Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Baby Steps...

I've been quite busy recently! Lots of yarny things being made :-)

First up is a little baby sweater! This was started for Cousin #1 by my grandmother about 3 years ago... as you can probably guess, he grew out of it long before it was finished! Well this summer I asked my grandmother to dig it out of the project basket, so I could finish it in time for Cousin #2 arriving in October.

It isn't quite completed - I need to find some ribbon to feed through the eyelets, as that is how it fastened. What colour do you think I should use??

I have also been making baby steps of my own, expanding my knowledge of crochet. Up until recently I only knew how to make granny squares, and so I thought it was high time to challenge myself and learn something new... My mom needed some new dishcloths, and so I armed myself with some cotton and a hook...

Tada! I love how crochet looks - it has a totally different feel and texture to knitting!

Of course I could see that plain squares could get a bit dull, so...

Stripes anyone? I am having fun trying out different things, and they are very quick to make up as well. It is faster than knitting, so I may choose crochet for dishcloths from now on...

What projects have you got on the go??


  1. These dishcloths look great!!! Your mom is very lucky :o)!
    Unfortunately I can't knit or crochet :o( ....so I sew...:o)

  2. But not as well as your Mom! :o)

  3. Those dishcloths were put into use as soon as they were done being photographed and they are fab! I'm looking forward to another batch please :o)


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